Friends of Low Port Primary School (FLPPS) is the parent and carers organisation that works with the school.
In the last year we were delighted to contribute to activities that we had missed during COVID restrictions as well as a few new ones. This included school discos, the Bunny Dash, Enterprise Day, Christmas cards, tea towels, Gala Day entry, the family bingo night and the new free, pre-loved school uniform shop. Our fundraising efforts for the 2022/23 school year totalled an amazing £2397.
Some of the things FLPPS has recently used these funds to contribute towards the school are:
- role play furniture, 3D printer for STEM area, outdoor speaker for Fit Fridays, P1 parent's breakfast, P7 leaver's day and PE bibs.
- An important function of our fundraising is to ensure access to trips, camps and other school experiences for every pupil.
- Future fundraising efforts will be directed towards equipment for the new STEM area for pupils.
We are always happy to see new faces at our meetings, so if you're interested in getting involved, or just finding out more, please feel free to come along or get in touch with
FLPPS would like to say thank you to the school community for the endless support.