We encourage all children to wear our uniform. Please see below for further information:
Black trousers, skirt or pinafore, with a white shirt or blouse and school tie.
Black trousers, skirt or pinafore, with a yellow polo shirt & black sweatshirt/cardigan.
Summer options - black shorts, yellow checked dress, black or white socks/black tights.
P7s only:
Black trousers/skirts, white shirts and P7 ties with black jumpers/cardigans.
Please note that if your child is performing during a school concert/event it is expected that a shirt and tie be worn.
- An alternative to shirts and ties is polo shirts and sweatshirts with the school logo embroidered onto them.
- Black waterproof and fleece jackets with the school logo are also available to order.
- Bulk orders are made twice a year and information/order forms will be sent to parents/carers.
- The orders will be processed and delivered to school in labelled bags and sent home with the child or, if requested, collected from the school office.
- For new children or emergency orders these can be ordered immediately via the suppliers website.Border Embroideries (opens new window)
- Samples are kept in school in various sizes.